Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Who are the Jews ? What do they do ?

Photo by Werner Cohn

"Jews are a famously accomplished group. They make up 0.2 percent of the world population, but 54 percent of the world chess champions, 27 percent of the Nobel physics laureates and 31 percent of the medicine laureates.

Jews make up 2 percent of the U.S. population, but 21 percent of the Ivy League student bodies, 26 percent of the Kennedy Center honorees, 37 percent of the Academy Award-winning directors, 38 percent of those on a recent Business Week list of leading philanthropists, 51 percent of the Pulitzer Prize winners for nonfiction." -- David Brooks, NY Times, Jan. 11, 2010

Coptic Christians in New York Protest Persecutions by Muslims

Photo by Werner Cohn

January 19, 2010: demonstration in front of the UN. The crowd, mostly Coptic Christians, protested the killing of their fellow Copts in the Egyptian town of Nagaa Hammadi on January 6, just as the community prepared for the celebration of their Christmas. There are more pictures here.

But the Copts won't get much attention. After all, they are Christians. What "progressives" worry about the survival of a Christian church or, for that matter, of pious Christian lives? -- Marty Peretz